Supporting SEND

At SWCHS, we have a wonderful Learning Support department located at the top of D corridor near reception. As well as supporting students in lower school, they can also offer help to Sixth Form students. For example, if you're struggling with writing essays, Mr Cameron might be able to meet with you do give you a hand!
1 to 1 Support
The Learning Support Team are able to provide 1 to 1 sessions outside of lesson to support students with their work, organisation and monitoring their academic studies. Speak to your form tutor, Mrs Jenkins or Mr Heath if you feel this would be beneficial to support your studies.
Essay Writing Support
Mr Cameron runs a group study session once a week focusing on essay writing skills. All are welcome to attend, no appointment needed.
Exams Access Arrangements
If you believe you would be entitled to or require exams access requirements, please speak to your form tutor or Mr Heath.
Advice and Guidance
In addition to this, the following resources may be able to support and assist either whilst in school, or even at home.
Essex has been working with Family Lives to provide online support and parenting groups for any lone parents or families who have children with SEND and living within Essex. The following links to the flyer and further information give additional details and contact information. At SWCHS, we also hold a referral/application form for the programme, which we would happily fill out and send on your behalf. Please do contact us for more information.
Supporting Autistic Students
Ambitious about Autism is a superb place to start your research into autism - whether this is because you think you are autistic, have just been diagnosed with autism, or just generally preparing for your adult life.
Preparing for your journey onto college, university, a training course or employment can feel overwhelming. The toolkit that Ambitious about Autism has created for young people is designed to help prepare young people for successful careers guidance sessions and work experience placements.
For preparing for adulthood