Extra Curricular
The Sixth Form isn’t just about work, you are also encouraged to develop extra curricular interests. This not only looks good on a CV or university application, you become better students if you have something else to focus on now and again. The Electives programme takes place on Wednesday afternoons, when you can pursue an activity of your choice. You might decide to take part in sport, learn a new skill, keep fit in our fitness suite, or join in our music and drama activities. If you are taking a vocational course, you can do relevant work experience, and anyone can do community work.
There are a wide range of Electives offered in school; from debating to photography, working on the school farm to being a learning assistant with students in lower years. Some Electives are taught and some are run by students. Groups can simply get together to share a common interest, be it in Animé or Amnesty International. The list of what’s on offer changes every term and you will opt to do two Electives each year.
Some of the electives that have been on offer:
- Primary School Readers
- Uttlesfood Food Bank Voluntary
- Typography 101
- Animal Science Elective
- Painting Elective
- Print Making Elective
- Sixth Form Committee
- Sixth Form Council
- Sixth Form Student Union
- Computing Mentoring
- Diversity Ambassadors
- Drama Production or Technical Team
- English Mentoring
- Creative Writing Workshops with Lower School
- Learning Centre Graphic Design Project
Maths Elective
Languages Mentoring
- Music Practice and Composition
- Girl's Netball
- Boy's Football
- Girl's Football
- Boy's Rugby
- Girls Hockey
- Fitness
- Science Mentoring
- Human Sciences Social Media
- British Sign Language
- ITG Marketing Elective