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Behaviour Policy 

Behaviour Policy

· All students and their parents/carers will sign this in the first few weeks of term. It is also available on our website.

· Consistent failure to adhere to the behaviour policy will result in isolation, study support and/or parental meetings.

· Serious infringements of the behaviour policy may result in isolation and/or suspension.

· There is no smoking, vaping, drugs or alcohol on site.

Identity Lanyards

· All Sixth Form Students must wear a SWCHS student Identity Lanyard. It must be visible at all times for safeguarding reasons.

· If a student forgets their lanyard, they must get a temporary identification sticker from the study centre supervisor. If a student loses their lanyard, they will need to purchase a new one via Wisepay.

· Three occurrences of failing to bring your lanyard will result in a period of time in isolation.

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