In Sixth Form, each day starts with students being registered in P1 or signing in on our FingerTouch System.
All students are expected to be present in school for timetabled lessons (including independent study), electives, tutor times and year briefings. However, to begin with, Year 12 can only leave school at break and lunchtime. This rule is usually relaxed once students have established sensible study habits (usually by the end of the first term). Following the first Progress Check, most Year 12 students enjoy the same privileges as Year 13.
NB: If students leave the school premises during the school day they must FingerTouch out.
In Sixth Form, all Study Periods should be spent in the Study Centre, Learning Centre, Art Department, Lower School Canteen or Study Cafe, and they must FingerTouch in.
What to do for absences?
If a student is unwell? All Sixth Form Parents/Carers are expected to email in to the dedicated Sixth Form email absence address before 8.30am to notify Sixth Form that they are off sick. Students must email their teachers for that day and their Form Tutor.
Email address for absence:
If a students feels unwell during the day? Unwell students should go to their year office or Mrs Chapman, who can if necessary give them permission to go home.
If a student has a known medical or dentist appointment, university visit, driving test(but not driving lesson), wedding, or funeral of a close family member? All Sixth Form Parents/Carers are expected to email the dedicated Sixth Form email absence in advance of any planned absence. Students must email their teachers in advance to inform them of their absence. Students are expected to catch-up on work missed.
Email address for absence:
If a student has a tutorial? Students are allowed to be periodically absent from parts of lessons for tutorials with their tutor. They need to inform their teacher in advance that they will miss some of their lesson.
Amending attendance records: Students are expected to manage their attendance and contact the Student Liaison Officer if they believe there to be any errors, or to explain any absences.
Sixth Form Tutors monitor each student’s attendance and they will contact home if required.
If a student is late? All Sixth Form students are expected to arrive on time for lessons. If students are late, they may not be allowed to participate in that lesson but will be expected to catch up on the work missed.