Reporting Absence
The Sixth Form absence email is 6formabsence@swchs.net This is to be used for reporting all absences. A parent/carer must email this address if a student is unable to attend lessons. Students are not allowed to authorise their own absence from school.
Leaving School Site
Year 12 Students are not permitted to leave school site during the school day (for the first half term) unless they have parental permission and have informed the school on 6formabsence@swchs.net. Once student have received earned autonomy they are permitted to leave the school site.
Finger Touch System—Signing In and Out
Sixth Form have an electronic fingerprint system for signing in and out of the building. Do not go to Reception for this. The units are on the wall and have a green light to place your finger on.
It is vital that you follow these rules for Safeguarding and Health & Safety reasons.
There are three finger touch units, situated just off the coffee bar area, at the bottom of the Sixth Form block stairs, and at the entrance to C corridor (Art).